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Wire & Cable India


“This is the straight case of denial to the Indian transformer industry to have a level playing field”

-full wp-image-2812″ title=”Mr Ramesh Chandak President IEEMA Copy” src=”” alt=”” width=”150″ height=”180″ />Mr. Ramesh Chandak, President, IEEMA in his inaugural speech at TRAFOTECH 2012 told, “Because of its heterogeneous character, the domestic electrical equipment industry, despite its critical role in the economy, has not received focused attention of the policy makers. Similarly, the numerous stakeholders, including the manufacturers, have not evolved a strategic action plan for the industry’s growth and development and have focused only on piecemeal short-term tactical measures.

Further in recent years the surge of imports from electrical industry has significantly impacted the Indian electrical equipment industry with underutilization of recently enhanced capacities across several products. The commercial viability of the industry is dented and can have serious long term consequences leading to the situation of unnecessary dependence on the imports on the cost of domestic manufacturing. While planning for the future present challenges cannot be ignored, the 2 immediate issues that have to be dealt are – one is the bulk imports from the China and South Korea and second is steel quality control order, coming in to effect from 12 September 2012, mandating compulsory BIS certification for CRGO electrical steel that will directly impact transformer manufacture. Moreover, the larger issue is that the compulsory BIS regime will not be applicable on the imported transformers, and the foreign manufacturers will be free to use non BIS quality CRGO in their transformers. This mandatory order has doubly hit the transformer industry. This is the straight case of denial to the Indian transformer industry to have a level playing field. The power ministry has to look into the matter with the serious concern and resolve the issues before it is too late.”

“Only a well planned and designed transmission network can provide reliable and effective power supplies to consumers”

Uma Shankar Final CopyMr. P Umashankar, Secretary Power at TRAFOTECH 2012 enumerated that “In every plan introduced by power sector we add huge capacity additions both in terms of generation and transmission capacities. In the last plan we have added 55,000 MW of addition to generation capacity and commensurate addition in the transmission systems. In the 12th plan we are expected to add more than 80,000 MW of the generation capacity and again a commensurate increase in the transmission system. During 12th plan period, a total of about 109,000 CKM of transmission lines, 270,000 MVA of AC transformation capacity and 13,000 MW of HVDC systems are estimated to be added by 2017. Highlights of this transmission expansion are addition of three new HVDC bipole systems of 13,000 MW capacity and quantum jump in 765kV transmission systems. During 12th plan about 27,000 CKM of 765kV lines and 149,000 MVA transformation capacity addition is expected. This huge increase in the 765kV system is due to a number of pooling and de-pooling of 765/400kV stations that have been planned to evacuate power from cluster of generation projects mainly in pit-head and coastal areas and transfer their power through long distance transmission lines up to load centers in the country. In addition to above, 400kV lines of 38,000 CKM, 220kV lines of 35,000 CKM and transformation capacity of 45,000 MVA and 76,000 MVA, respectively is estimated to be added during 12th plan period.

Electrical equipment manufacturers have to gear up for this challenge in terms of manufacturing capacity on one hand and availability of material on other hand to implement this ambitious transmission program. Only a well planned and designed transmission network can provide reliable and effective power supplies to consumers. In a deregulated environment reduction in operating cost, increase in the availability of transmission and generation equipment and improvement in quality and power and service to customers are the prime objective of the electrical utilities. Power transformers are the critical component of the power distribution system, they are vital and the costliest link in the chain of components constituting the power system, the failure of which effect the power supply to the consumer.”


“This is the straight case of denial to the Indian transformer industry to have a level playing field”
Mr. Ramesh Chandak, President, IEEMA in his inaugural speech at TRAFOTECH 2012 told, “Because of its heterogeneous character, the domestic electrical equipment industry, despite its critical role in the economy, has not received focused attention of the policy makers. Similarly, the numerous stakeholders, including the manufacturers, have not evolved a strategic action plan for the industry’s growth and development and have focused only on piecemeal short-term tactical measures.
Further in recent years the surge of imports from electrical industry has significantly impacted the Indian electrical equipment industry with underutilization of recently enhanced capacities across several products. The commercial viability of the industry is dented and can have serious long term consequences leading to the situation of unnecessary dependence on the imports on the cost of domestic manufacturing. While planning for the future present challenges cannot be ignored, the 2 immediate issues that have to be dealt are – one is the bulk imports from the China and South Korea and second is steel quality control order, coming in to effect from 12 September 2012, mandating compulsory BIS certification for CRGO electrical steel that will directly impact transformer manufacture. Moreover, the larger issue is that the compulsory BIS regime will not be applicable on the imported transformers, and the foreign manufacturers will be free to use non BIS quality CRGO in their transformers. This mandatory order has doubly hit the transformer industry. This is the straight case of denial to the Indian transformer industry to have a level playing field. The power ministry has to look into the matter with the serious concern and resolve the issues before it is too late.”

“Only a well planned and designed transmission network can provide reliable and effective power supplies to consumers”
Mr. P Umashankar, Secretary Power at TRAFOTECH 2012 enumerated that “In every plan introduced by power sector we add huge capacity additions both in terms of generation and transmission capacities. In the last plan we have added 55,000 MW of addition to generation capacity and commensurate addition in the transmission systems. In the 12th plan we are expected to add more than 80,000 MW of the generation capacity and again a commensurate increase in the transmission system. During 12th plan period, a total of about 109,000 CKM of transmission lines, 270,000 MVA of AC transformation capacity and 13,000 MW of HVDC systems are estimated to be added by 2017. Highlights of this transmission expansion are addition of three new HVDC bipole systems of 13,000 MW capacity and quantum jump in 765kV transmission systems. During 12th plan about 27,000 CKM of 765kV lines and 149,000 MVA transformation capacity addition is expected. This huge increase in the 765kV system is due to a number of pooling and de-pooling of 765/400kV stations that have been planned to evacuate power from cluster of generation projects mainly in pit-head and coastal areas and transfer their power through long distance transmission lines up to load centers in the country. In addition to above, 400kV lines of 38,000 CKM, 220kV lines of 35,000 CKM and transformation capacity of 45,000 MVA and 76,000 MVA, respectively is estimated to be added during 12th plan period.
Electrical equipment manufacturers have to gear up for this challenge in terms of manufacturing capacity on one hand and availability of material on other hand to implement this ambitious transmission program. Only a well planned and designed transmission network can provide reliable and effective power supplies to consumers. In a deregulated environment reduction in operating cost, increase in the availability of transmission and generation equipment and improvement in quality and power and service to customers are the prime objective of the electrical utilities. Power transformers are the critical component of the power distribution system, they are vital and the costliest link in the chain of components constituting the power system, the failure of which effect the power supply to the consumer.”

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