Sheathed Shielded Cables - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Sheathed Shielded Cables

Special Feature

Havells India: Revival of Real Estate and Increase in Infra & CAPEX Support Demand Recovery

2021: The year that was The year 2021 was indeed unique as the COVID-19 contagion ravaged socio-economic developments globally. We started off on a good note across segments both on turnover and margins. Unfortunately, the second wave of COVID gripped the country with even higher ferocity leading to localised lockdown,......
Headlines Interviews

CMI: Ready for Its Share

With constantly improving balance sheet, inflating range of products, and two notable acquisitions in recent past, CMI seems set for its bon voyage in the growing wire and cable industry. Incorporated in 1967, CMI initially was engaged in copper metal trade and copper melting and rod casting. In 1980, the......
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