Rubber Industry - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Rubber Industry

Headlines Interviews

Troester Aims to Become Part of India’s Growth Story

Leading global manufacturers of equipment for rubber, cable and compounding industry, Troester has predicted a bright future for the Indian cable market. The company looks at becoming part of India’s growth story. In a recent interaction with Wire & Cable India magazine, Mr. Thomas Holzer, CEO, Troester, shared his experience......
Headlines News

Troester Appoints Thomas Holzer as the New CEO

Mr. Thomas Holzer has been appointed as the new CEO at Troester GmbH & Co. KG. Jan 30, 2024 Troester GmbH & Co. KG, the world’s leading manufacturer of equipment for the rubber, cable, and compounding industry from Hanover, is starting the new year with a significant change in the......
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