Unbundling of Jharkhand State Electricity Board soon - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Unbundling of Jharkhand State Electricity Board soon

February 7, 2013

Decks have been cleared for unbundling of Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB) after the Supreme Court of India disposed all petitions filed before it challenging the unbundling. As mandated under the central electricity act 2003, which came into effect from June 2003, the unbundling of state electricity board is due for the past ten years.

The state government after making various attempts to unbundle the board had to postpone it on at least two dozen occasions in the past. According to the provisions of electricity act 2003 every state electricity board would function as three separate licensees, which includes generation, transmission and distribution companies. The energy department in Jharkhand has planned to unbundle it into four separate companies which includes a holding company in addition to supervise the functioning of three utilities.


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