Purity Scanner - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Purity Scanner


SIKORA’s Purity Scanner Advanced Completes 10 Years

Purity Scanner, launched by SIKORA in 2013, has completed 10 years recently. The development of a system for the inspection and sorting of pellets was achieved in close cooperation with partners from the power cable industry. Dec 14, 2023 In 2013, SIKORA launched with the Purity Scanner a new type......
Events Headlines

Asian Giants to Host Two Successive Wire & Cable Events

India and China is going to be grounds for two major wire and cable exhibitions separated by hardly 10 days. Wire and cable companies across globe are in flurry to catch up with both the events where they can showcase their products and recent developments to a large visitors’ footfall.......

SIKORA AG: Precision in Measurement Begets Perfection in Quality

How to optimize processes as well as run production lines more efficiently and economically is a lesson only few like SIKORA can teach through constant development of cutting-edge measuring and control systems ensuring absolute purity of raw material. Among eminent quality and precision technology makers, SIKORA definitely ranks high as......
News Headlines Wire & Cable News

SIKORA to Present Pioneering Models of the PURITY CONCEPT Systems at the Wire 2016, Düsseldorf

One concept – several possibilities to assure quality; Online and offline analysis of Pellets, Flakes and Films/Tapes December 31, 2015 SIKORA presents at the Wire 2016 in Düsseldorf (booth 9A41) its new and pioneering models of the PURITY CONCEPT Systems. With that, the company offers an outlook on the varied......
News Wire & Cable News

SIKORA’s PURITY SCANNER for 100 Percent Online Inspection and Automatic Sorting of XLPE Pellets

X-ray technology combined with high resolution optics for the detection of contamination April 4, 2015 The purity of XLPE pellets, as they are used for the insulation of medium, high, and extra-high voltages cables as well as for on- and offshore cables, is a decisive characteristic for the quality of......

SIKORA’s Complete Product Portfolio for Inspecting, Sorting, Measuring and Controlling

October 22, 2014 SIKORA comes up with quite an exhaustive list of products for inspection and sorting as well as measuring and control technology for online quality assurance of energy cables. The product portfolio includes PURITY SCANNER ensuring cleanliness of XPLE pellets, CSS 2 for the cleanliness of the melt,......
News Wire & Cable News

Pure Material, Better Quality

September 2, 2013 SIKORA had already informed about a new R&D project under the working title PELLET SCANNER on their website. This project is now close to its market launch and will be offered under the name PURITY SCANNER. The PURITY SCANNER serves the inspection of plastic pellets for contaminations.......
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